Two women leaning against a wall painted with graffiti art smiling

We won't judge you.

Whether you need confidential support for mental health, drugs, alcohol or related challenges, you’re in the right place.

How can we help you?

Let us help you where you’re at.

We'll help you work out who you want to be and where you want to go.
Learn more about us
A young woman with long hair wearing a jacket.

Ways we can help

We'll stick with you until you're ready to move on.

Finding help can be hard.

When someone comes to us for support, we start with what they want and what they’re capable of, not their problems and what they lack.
Learn what to expect
A photo of a women smiling with her hair up, standing in front of a group people

Join our mission

We're trying to do something that’s not been done before: break down the barriers between substance use, mental health and other services, at scale. Be part of something special.