Support with domestic abuse
We run a range of support services for people who experience domestic abuse. If you ever need to hide this page, use the dark pink 'hide this site' button on the right side of the screen.

You’re in the right place
We’re here to support you if you’ve experienced abusive behaviour in your home or family life.
Everyone has arguments and disagreements with their partners, family members and others close to them from time to time. We all do things at times that we regret which might upset the people we care about. But when this begins to become a pattern, it can be a sign of domestic violence or abuse.
Our services put the safety of victims, survivors, and children at the centre. We also run programmes for perpetrators of abuse so they can take responsibility for what they have done, and change their behaviour.

Getting support from us
When you find a domestic abuse support service, you can talk to them confidentially on the phone or by email to get support. We can provide a referral form to get you started.
Domestic abuse can take many different forms including physical, emotional, psychological, sexual, and financial, and technological abuse.
If you’ve changed your behaviour because of a fear of your controlling partner or ex-partner, you are experiencing abuse. We can give you confidential support to be free of them.

Our support options
DVIP Women’s Support Service
We offer support, safety planning and information, for women experiencing domestic violence. We promote realistic expectations of our work with her partner or ex-partner on the Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programme.
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Think Family Service – Birmingham
Our senior practitioners support families who are open to children’s services in Birmingham where there is domestic abuse.
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DVIP Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programme
Our aim is to get to the root of the problem by putting the focus back on the perpetrator of domestic abuse, thereby preventing future incidents and creating an environment where the other adults and children in the family are safe
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Useful resources and links
Need urgent help now?
Refuge - 24 hour National Women’s Domestic Abuse Helpline
Find support near you

Wherever you are now, we won't judge or write you off.
We’ll help you work out who you want to be and where you want to go. We’ll stick with you until you’re ready to move on.