Support with mental health
If you’re worried about your mental health, you’re not alone and we’re here to help.

You’re in the right place
We can help you work on the parts of your life that are affecting your wellbeing – like work, money, isolation and loneliness, your housing situation or relationships and family life.
We have community-based services across England that can support you to build your confidence and self-esteem.
Our crisis houses and havens are calm and safe places where you can stay for a short time if you’re going through a mental health crisis. They let you get away from negative influences or situations, get support from a friendly team, and give you some space to think.

Getting support from us
When you find a mental health support service close to you, you can call them, email them, or refer yourself to get started.
Sometimes, our community mental health support services might need another organisation to refer you. We can provide advice and information on that when you talk to us.
We’ll talk about what’s going on for you now and options for finding a way forward.
And remember, everything you tell us is confidential.

Our support options
Hammersmith and Fulham Wellbeing Service
Supporting people across Hammersmith and Fulham with their mental health and wellbeing to improve their quality of life and connect people to their communities.
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Central Lancashire Haven
Central Lancashire Haven is a welcoming and non-judgemental place for individuals struggling socially and emotionally with life challenges or who are in crisis.
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East Surrey Community Connections
Community Connections service provides support to individuals, aged 16+ living in East Surrey, who would like support with their mental health and wellbeing.
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Useful resources and links
Need urgent help now?
Togetherall - 24/7 online mental health support
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Wherever you are now, we won't judge you or write you off.
We’ll help you work out who you want to be and where you want to go. We’ll stick with you until you’re ready to move on.