Our Life Experience Council
Learn about what the council is, what it does, and how you can join in.
What is the Life Experience Council?
Waythrough is a national charity specialising in free confidential support for mental health, alcohol, drugs, and related areas in friendly local places.
Like most charities, the organisation is governed by a Board of Trustees and led by an Executive Group of Chief Executive Officer and Executive Directors.
The Life Experience Council adds a third group to this partnership, a ‘council’ of people who have personally experienced challenges with mental health, alcohol, drugs, and related challenges.

"‘Working Together’ covers the many ways we team up with people we work with and for. We work together to find solutions, to share responsibilities, to make decisions and occasional mistakes, to learn, to grow, and to get things done. Some people call this ‘service user involvement (and influence)’. Some people call it ‘co-production’. Working Together is an inclusive term that encourages everyone to participate."

Who can be a Life Experience Council Member?
Anyone who:
- Has been supported by one of our services in the last 12 months
- Likes talking to other people about their experiences and opinions of our services
- Is interested in the big picture of how charities works
- Would like to work with our Trustees and Executive to increase our impact

What’s in it for me?
- A chance to meet amazing people, develop new skills and gain experience
- A chance to improve services for other people
- A chance to represent wider views (not just your own view) in conversations with the organisation’s leaders
You’ll be asked to
- Participle in online Council Zoom group meetings
- Gather views from people your local service supports
- Take part in training to develop new skills
- Maintain confidentiality of sensitive information

What support will I get
- A group worker to work through any practical difficulties and to build your confidence
- Help with technology and Zoom, if you need it
- Travel arrangements taken care of
- Peer support from other Council members
- Tools and tips to help you get the best from conversations
- Your support worker will work with the Life Experience Council to make sure it’s supporting your wider wellbeing and other life goals

Get in touch
Speak with your worker about any questions you have. They can contact Merry Springate who supports the Life Experience Council. Or you can contact Merry directly at merry.springate@waythrough.org.uk or 07974881633.
After finding out a bit more, if you want to get involved, Merry can provide you with details of the meetings.