I’m not sure what I need
If you or someone else needs support, we won’t judge and we’re here to help you figure it out.

Do you see yourself or someone you care about in one of these situations?
If that’s the case, it’s likely we can help.

Situations you might recognise - mental health
You’re struggling with regular feelings of anxiety, panic, despair, guilt, loneliness, or isolation.
You feel hopeless, undeserving of help or like you are a burden to people around you.
Your mental health is impacting on important areas of your life, like your home, relationships, or working life.
Situations you might recognise - alcohol
A partner, relative, friend or doctor is concerned about your drinking or has suggested cutting down.
You drink alcohol daily or almost daily. You may have regular feelings of guilt or remorse after drinking.
You often feel like you need a drink to feel normal, or you can’t stop or control your drinking once you’ve started.
Situations you might recognise - drugs
You regularly use drugs to get through the day and prioritise getting drugs over important parts of your life.
You need to increase the amount of the drugs you take to get the same effect.
Your drug use is causing problems in your life, like with money or relationships. You may have unsuccessfully tried to cut back.
Situations you might recognise - domestic abuse
Your partner or ex-partner often criticises, mocks or verbally abuses you, is threatening or violent towards you.
Your partner or ex-partner is controlling. They may monitor what you spend, threaten to withhold money, or take away phone or internet access.
Your partner or ex-partner has pressured you into having sex when you didn’t consent or forced you to look at pornographic material.
Situations you might recognise - employment and training
You’re struggling to find or keep a job because of your mental health, drinking or drug use.
You’re finding it hard to write your CV, find and apply for jobs or get ready for interviews.
You want your employer’s support but you’re not sure how to tell them about your mental health or other life challenges.
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Wherever you are now, we won't judge or write you off.
We'll help you work out who you want to be and where you want to go. We'll stick with you until you're ready to move on.