Togetherall is a 24/7 online mental health support service which everyone we support with their mental health can use.
What is Togetherall?
Togetherall is a safe, online community where people dealing with mental health challenges can anonymously support each other.
Everyone over the age of 16 who we support with mental health can access it for free.
Togetheralll is managed by trained professionals who ensure everyone using it is kept safe.
You don’t have to post if you don’t want to. You’ll also get access to practical wellbeing tools, resources and courses.
It only takes a few minutes to sign up. Just follow the simple steps of creating a username and password, and enter your email address to register. Then you can get started!

Togtherall isn't able to support you in a crisis or emergency, but we do have information if you need urgent help or advice
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