We build partnerships that challenge the status quo to bring positive change for the people and communities we support.
Our approach to partnerships
We know from the decades of experience our local services have supporting people in their communities that breaking down the barriers between substance use, mental health and other services, at scale, won’t be easy.
There’s no way we can do it alone – and nor do we want to. Which is why partnerships are so important to us.
A strong partnership delivers more than the sum of its parts and is based on both parties bringing – and achieving – something they couldn’t alone.
As a national organisation with around 3,500 people working in over 250 services across England, we’re determined to maintain and build on the relationships we have with people and organisations embedded in and committed to the communities they live in and serve.

Partner with us
We’re looking for partners with disruptive ideas and approaches who want to develop, test and embed new ways of working to better meet the needs of local people. Launching a new organisation is the perfect time to re-think how we work with others. Whether you are part of a lived experience led group, a research team at a university or a think-tank working on multiple disadvantage and public services we are truly open to your ideas!
If that sounds interesting please get in touch with our partnerships team at
We’re looking forward to working with you.