St Georges Islington

If you are living in Islington and you require mental health supported accommodation, your mental health professional can refer you to us for support with your recovery.

  • Housing
  • Mental Health

We’re here to help

The service aims to provide a range of support to people who have or may be experiencing mental health problems to: 

  • Foster recovery and rehabilitation 
  • Enable people to manage their mental health and wellbeing 
  • Support people to lead independent and productive lives in the community.  

We do this by enabling people using our services and ensuring that they: 

  • benefit from the service 
  • make decisions together  
  • respect each other and environment  
  • contribute to improving the service  
  • use and develop skills and develop social networks 
  • lead and influence each person in their own recovery 
  • are fully involved in both the service and their own recovery journey 
  • recover and/ or develop the skills to feel they can move on to a more independent life 

We provide a service that is underpinned with values that support and focus on recovery and evidence-based practice. 

The service provides short term accommodation and a housing support service for homeless people with mental health needs aged 18 years and over. We provide support to individuals enabling them to better manage their mental health and wellbeing and gain the skills to live independently and move-on to appropriate accommodation. We work with the local authority, private sector and partner agencies to identify and access appropriate move-on accommodation. 

Who is this service for

  • People aged 18 or over
  • People already under a local mental health support service that can make your referral

Get support

If you or the professional engaging with you would like to know more about the service, please contact us using the details on this page. 

All referrals to St Georges are made via the London Borough of Islington’s Priorities Panel & people being referred will be in the care of Camden and Islington NHS Mental Health Trust and in receipt of services including the Early Intervention in Psychosis Team, the Assertive Outreach Team, and the Acute Home Treatment Team and/ or directly from the acute mental health wards. 

Where are we?

263 Camden Road Islington London N7 0HS

Opening times

  • Mon: 24hr
  • Tues: 24hr
  • Wed: 24hr
  • Thurs: 24hr
  • Fri: 24hr
  • Sat: 24hr
  • Sun: 24hr