North Yorkshire Horizons – Skipton

We can support you if you would like to reduce or stop your drug or alcohol use in North Yorkshire.

  • Alcohol
  • Criminal Justice
  • Drugs
  • Employment, education & training

Our Service

Our aim is to help as many people as possible to be free from drug and alcohol dependency.

We’re here to help

We want to reduce the harm caused to individuals, families and communities. Using flexible, wraparound services we support to reduce or end substance misuse and rebuild lives. 

We work with people from the start of their recovery journey right through to aftercare to help maintain the changes 

North Yorkshire Horizons is here to help you recover from drug and alcohol addiction. We offer a confidential, non-judgemental service to people, including families, affected by drugs and/or alcohol. We aim to support you to stay safe and live happier, healthier lives, free from drugs and alcohol.  

How we can help  

 We can support you with treatment and recovery in a number of ways:   

  • You can join one of our local recovery groups 
  • When you leave treatment, we can give you ongoing support in the community 
  • We can support you to get specialist services and mutual aid 
  • Working with community groups, we can help you find opportunities for employment, education and voluntary work  

Where we are  

We have 5 main Hubs in:

  • Harrogate
  • Northallerton
  • Selby
  • Skipton
  • Scarborough

Visit our website link on this page to learn more about the locations.

We also provide support in rural areas where we use a wide range of local community venues to offer recovery groups.  

Early Intervention and Prevention   

We support people going through the criminal justice system, injecting drug users and those who use drugs other than heroin.

We can provide:

  • Guidance for people using New Psychoactive Substances (‘legal highs’), ‘club drugs’, cannabis and steroids  
  • Sterile injecting equipment through local pharmacies, the hubs and mobile to your home • Assessment and support for people in police custody  
  • Resettlement support for people released from prison  

Recovery and Mentoring   

We can support you with your treatment and recovery in a number of ways:  

  • You can join one of our local recovery groups  
  • When you leave treatment, we can give you ongoing support in the community. We can support you to get specialist services and mutual aid 
  • Working with community groups, we can help you find opportunities for employment, education and voluntary work 

Who is this service for

  • People aged 18 years of age and older
  • People who reside in North Yorkshire

Get support

Phone us to speak to one of our trained experts. We’re here to help you – you can tell us as much or as little as you like. We’ll help you cut down or stop your drug and alcohol use.

You can also fill in our secure online referral form if you want to refer yourself or someone else.

It’s all free, friendly and confidential.

Where are we?

The Augment Centre High Street Skipton North Yorkshire BD23 1DT

Opening times

  • Mon: 9am-8pm
  • Tues: 9am-8pm
  • Wed: 9am-8pm
  • Thurs: 9am-8pm
  • Fri: 9am-8pm

Call us

01723 330730

Useful information and resources

  • Use our secure online referral form to refer yourself or someone else
  • Find needle exchange locations in North Yorkshire
  • Use our needle click and collect service
  • Drink Drug Hub - advice, guidance and accurate information about alcohol and other drugs