Crossroads Adult Diversion Scheme

Helping prevent people in North Yorkshire and York from entering the criminal justice system or divert them away and reduce re-offending.

  • Criminal Justice

Our Service

We offer a community-based support service for adults who may be at risk of entering the Criminal Justice System, and a pre-court (OOCD) diversionary support service for adults at point of arrest or voluntary attendance at police custody.

We’re here to help

There are two strands to the Crossroads Diversion Scheme: 

  • A community-based support service for adults aged 18 or over who may be at risk of entering the Criminal Justice System or who are known to North Yorkshire Police. Engagement will be voluntary. 
  • A pre-court (OOCD) diversionary support service for adults at point of arrest or voluntary attendance at police custody. This is an alternative to prosecution, and if the individual accepts the referral to the scheme, engagement will be mandatory. 

Our service aims to: 

  • Support people not yet committing offences but may be at risk of or are committing low-level offences. For example, theft, low level assault, public order. 
  • Reduce the number of first-time entrants into the criminal justice system. 
  • Reduce reoffending rates. 
  • Prevent offending by identifying and addressing the needs of those on the scheme and evidencing positive progress against these 

Who is this service for

  • Adults aged 18 or over
  • People who live in North Yorkshire and York

Get support

Referrals can be made by completing our referral form and emailing it to the email provided on this page.

Referrals are made by professionals

If you think someone would benefit from accessing our service, complete a referral form and email it to the address on the right side of this page. 

If you would like to discuss the person’s situation prior to submitting the form, please contact a member of the team: 

  • Alice Skelton (Service Manager) at 07741 140544 
  • Victoria Giurgea (Lead Practitioner) at 07813 726306 

How the referral process works: 

  • Referrals received will be allocated to a case worker who will contact the client within one business day. 
  • Assessment is to be conducted within 7 days of the referral being received. 
  • Support package tailored to meet the needs of each client.  
  • Intervention sessions are held to support the client with a wide range of support needs. If more intensive support is required, a referral to the appropriate agency will be made. 
  • The caseworker will communicate with the referrer to provide updates on support.  
  • When the client has met their needs, the case will be closed, and the referrer notified of this. 
  • There is no timescale of when a community-based client can be re-referred.

Where are we?

North Yorkshire

Opening times

  • Mon: 9am-5pm
  • Tues: 9am-5pm
  • Wed: 9am-5pm
  • Thurs: 9am-5pm
  • Fri: 9am-5pm

Call us

07939 209087